Crayola Magic Princess
from IBMFor Ages 6 to 12
See the Summary Rating Table for comparisons with other Girls software titles, and the SuperKids Buyers Guide for current market prices of the PC and Mac versions.
Reviewed on:
PowerMac 6400/200 with 32MB and 8XCD
Pentium166 with 24MB and 12XCD
Crayola Magic Princess, which can be used alone or as an add-on to IBM's Crayola Magic Wardrobe, allows girls to design and color outfits for princess figures, while they learn about four historical time periods.As with Magic Wardrobe the program's main screen features a paper doll in a historical room setting. The user clicks on the wardrobe to the left of the screen to choose between Ancient Greece, Old Japan, Medieval England and the French Empire. If Magic Wardrobe is also installed on the computer, the time periods from that program will be available as well. The user can skip around between the two programs without changing disks.
Each era includes authentic clothing, hair, headdresses and footwear with which to adorn the paper doll. This clothing can be altered and decorated using 72 Crayola colors, coloring tools and various stylish stamps. It can then be printed to use with the included cardboard paper doll. Additional dolls can be printed from the program at any time.
Three bonus activities round out Magic Princess, including a 'Women in the News' section which delves into the lives of four famous princesses, a Diary section, and a 'Write a Letter' section with royal stationery to decorate and print.
Educational Value
Among the Magic Princess''s notable merits are creativity, computer familiarity, role playing and historical perspective.Kid Appeal
Despite the strides women have made in today's world, most girls still delight in hearing stories of princesses and their faraway kingdoms. Magic Princess combines this childhood favorite with dolls and coloring. What more could a young dreamer desire?Best for... / Bottom-Line
It's charming, imaginative and easy to use. Parents looking for an enjoyable software value will not be disappointed by this title.
See the Summary Rating Table for comparisons with other Girls software titles, and the SuperKids Buyers Guide for current market prices of the PC and Mac versions.
MacintoshOperating System Windows 3.1, 3.11 or Windows 95 System 7.1 or better CPU Type and Speed 486DX 66MHz or better 68040 processor or better Hard Drive Space 10 MB 10 MB Memory (RAM) 8 MB (16 MB recommended) 8 MB (16 MB Power PC) Graphics SVGA monitor, 640x480 640x480 monitor CD-ROM Speed Double speed Double speed Audio Windows-compatible sound card n/a Other Needs Printer Printer
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