ESPN's 2 minute Drill is modeled after the television sports quiz
show by the same name. The game is divided into 3 distinct rounds.
Round 1 has four experts who represent different categories of questions relating to a specific
topic - Tightends, MVPs, Kentucky Basketball, All in the Family, to name but a
few...The host, Kenny Mayne, has a bland, less caustic style than Regis of
Who Wants to be a Millionaire fame. Wrong answers do evoke a dry wisecrack
though. Players must select the correct multiple choice answer (or they can
pass) to earn a point. If a wrong answer is given then the user must move to a
different topic. Bonus points are earned by answering all the questions in
one category. A small countdown clock grants 2 minutes to answer as many
correct questions as possible before proceeding to Round 2. (Note - this is a fast-paced game!).
In Round 2, questions automatically appear. They cover random sports topics presented
in a multiple-choice format. Again 2 minutes are allotted to score as many
points as possible. The final round allows the user to choose a field of
interest. Players must answer a 3-part question based on a trivia fact which
appears on the screen. One must type in the correct answer - no
multiple-choice guesswork permitted here. If you are savvy enough to wade
through the 3 questions correctly your score will double.
Educational Value
Like Who Wants to be a Millionaire-Sports Edition, ESPN's 2 minute Drill is a multiple-guess, sports trivia game. It does not instruct
other than confirm the correct answer. Educational value is minimal.
Kid Appeal
This game is not geared for kids or teenagers. It is far too difficult!
Players who might find this program amusing are among a select handful of
sports fanatics who are addicted to watching a vast array of sports, and who
do not do so mindlessly. It is best played by groups of adults who consider
themselves extremely conversant, since the questions tend to be very specific.
ESPN's 2 minute Drill makes Who Wants to be a Millionaire-Sports Edition
look easy. Every teenager who tried this in our review session found it tough and
frustrating. They simply did not have the history and depth of sports
background needed to even modestly succeed at this game. The highest score
of one teenage test group after one hour of play was 9 (guesswork averaged
approximately 98%) - fairly pathetic. Let's just say they couldn't keep the
ball in play long enough to be in the running.
Ease of Use / Install
On our Windows ME test machine, the installation
took approximately 5 minutes. Navigation through the program was trouble-free
without looking at the written instructions. A mini-tutorial shows how to play the game, but it is so
straightforward that users should not need to refer to it.
Best for... / Bottom-Line
Sports newscasters, anyone on the staff of Sports Illustrated, professional
sports players, the husband/boyfriend who sits in front of the TV all day
Saturday and Sunday watching sports... OK, maybe we are being a little too harsh.
Maybe it would be a good bonding experience for a college or pro athletics
team. Perhaps an elite group of hardcore adult sports enthusiasts will
appreciate the challenge of this sports version of trivial pursuit.
See SuperKids' Buyers Guide for current market prices of the
PC and
Mac versions.
System Requirements
Windows 95/98/Me,
Pentium 166 or faster cpu,
50MB hard drive space,
32MB RAM or more,
16-bit color DirectX-compatible 2MB video card,
8X or faster CD-ROM,
16-bit color DirectX-compatible 2MB video card
System 8.6 through 9,
G3 or faster cpu,
50MB hard drive space,
32MB RAM or more,
Thousands of colors video display,