1. Review the words in a table
2. Click (memorize) in either column to begin
♦ Guess the answer in your head
♦ Click the buttons and follow the directions at the bottom of the table
♦ Or click on matching mode at the bottom of a table, after clicking on (memorize)
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
avid | eager and enthusiastic |
pugnacious | eager and ready to fight; quarrelsome |
alacrity | eager willingness or readiness |
facile | easily accomplished; ready or fluent |
irascible | easily angered; quick tempered |
tractable | easily worked; obedient; malleable |
trenchant | effective; thorough; cutting; keen |
maudlin | effusively sentimental |
exalt | elevate; to praise; glorify |
orator | eloquent public speaker |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
disconcert | embarrass; confuse |
fraught | emotional, tense, anxious, distressing |
poignant | emotionally touching or moving |
vacuity | emptiness |
barren | uninhabited wilderness |
coerce | persuade with force or pressure |
augment | enlarge; to make greater, as in size, quantity, or strength |
circumvent | to avoid or try to avoid |
expunge | erase or remove completely |
obliterate | to wipe out |
Memorize both together
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
efface | erase; obliterate as if by rubbing it out |
capricious | erratic; flighty; tending to change abruptly |
pithy | essential; brief and to the point |
perdition | eternal damnation; complete ruin |
equivocal | evasive; misleading |
quotidian | everyday; usual or ordinary |
industrious | diligent; skillful |
paradigm | example or model |
transcend | exceed; surpass; excel |
transcendent | exceeding usual limits; incomparable; beyond ordinary existence |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
superfluous | excessive |
cupidity | greed; avarice, didactic |
wanton | excessively merry; frolicsome; having no regard for others |
preside | exercise control or authority |
abstemious | self-restraint |
relegate | exile or banish |
innate | natural rather than acquired |
contemporaneous | existing or happening in the same period of time |
adroit | expert; clever; skillful in a physical or mental way |
exegesis | explanation, especially of biblical passages |
Memorize both together
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