1. Review the words in a table
2. Click (memorize) in either column to begin
♦ Guess the answer in your head
♦ Click the buttons and follow the directions at the bottom of the table
♦ Or click on matching mode at the bottom of a table, after clicking on (memorize)
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
savant | learned person; eminent scholar |
abstruse | hard to understand; deep; recondite |
erudition | learning acquired by reading and study |
assuage | lessen; soothe |
largess | liberal giving; generous gift |
herbaceous | like a green leaf in texture, color, shape |
brazen | impudent; audacious |
circumscribe | limit |
knoll | small round hill |
destitute | living in complete poverty |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
abominate | loathe; to dislike very much |
abhorrence | loathing; detestation |
nostalgia | longing for things of the past |
dissolute | unconstrained by convention or morals |
garrulous | loquacious; wordy; talkative |
uproarious | loud and boisterous |
enmity | hostility; antagonism |
din | loud confusing noise |
scurvy | low; mean; vile; contemptible |
nadir | lowest point |
Memorize both together
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
camaraderie | loyal, warm and friendly feeling among comrades |
allegiance | loyalty or devotion |
fealty | loyalty; allegiance |
lascivious | lustful |
sedulous | diligent; persevering |
incumbent | lying, resting on something; imposed as a duty |
hackneyed | made trite by overuse |
inure | make accustomed to something difficult |
negate | make ineffective |
whet | make keen; stimulate, sharpen |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
impart | make known; tell; reveal |
slake | make less intense by satisfying |
obfuscate | make obscure; confuse |
discern | make out clearly |
indemnify | make secure against loss |
discomfit | make uneasy |
obviate | make unnecessary |
malevolence | malice; spitefulness; ill will |
fetid | malodorous; smelly |
megalomania | a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur |
Memorize both together
Memorize all (on this page)
Combines all tables on this page into one large table, and begins the memorization process: