1. Review the words in a table
2. Click (memorize) in either column to begin
♦ Guess the answer in your head
♦ Click the buttons and follow the directions at the bottom of the table
♦ Or click on matching mode at the bottom of a table, after clicking on (memorize)
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
remand | order back; return to service |
syntax | orderly or systematic arrangement of words |
prose | ordinary speech; dull |
adorn | ornament; to put decorations on |
frieze | ornamental band formed by a series of decorations |
pariah | outcast |
peripheral | outer; external; lying at the outside |
proscribed | to outlaw; ostracize; banish |
plethora | many; overabundance; excess |
overwrought | overworked; fatigued |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
cosseted | pampered |
analogy | drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect |
translucent | partially transparent or clear |
ardor | passion; emotional warmth |
remunerative | pay for service; compensating; rewarding |
amicable | peaceable; showing good will |
petulant | peevish; impatient or irritable |
sagacity | penetrating intelligence and sound judgment |
contrite | penitent; feeling sorry for sins |
tactile | perceived by touch |
Memorize both together
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
cognizance | perception or knowledge |
sagacious | perceptive; shrewd; having insight |
immaculate | perfectly clean; unsoiled |
treachery | perfidy, disloyalty , or treason |
tangential | peripheral; only slightly connected |
idiosyncrasy | personal peculiarity or mannerism |
tempt | persuade; induce or entice |
filial | pertaining to a son or daughter |
juxtapose | place side by side |
unequivocal | plain; obvious |
Word (memorize) | Definition (memorize) |
perspicuous | plainly expressed |
affluent | plentiful; abundant; flowing freely |
nib | point of a pen |
bombast | talk or writing that sounds grand or important but has little meaning |
bombastic | pompous; puffed up with conceit; using inflated language |
indigent | poor |
latent | potential but undeveloped; dormant |
efficacy | power to produce desired effect |
stentorian | powerful in sound; extremely loud |
impuissance | powerlessness; feebleness |
Memorize both together
Memorize all (on this page)
Combines all tables on this page into one large table, and begins the memorization process: